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COSMIC: Headliner
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COSMIC: Portfolio

the future never seemed so retro


Set in a time when the future was upon us — blonde tips and snap pants were the fashion and the Y2K millennium bug threatened to destroy all.

Inspired by the futuristic undertone of pop culture in the 90s, the COSMIC show stars 8 of Sydney’s currently most in-demand dancers and the vocal brilliance of Ashleigh O’Brien and Cheyenne Kavanagh, Hosted by the hilariously funny MC Star Light herself Ruby Teys.

The show is a trip down memory lane for some and an education of the best years of pop for others. COSMIC is a circus of nostalgia complete with silver vinyl unitards and dance moves that have been long forgotten. From The Spice Girls and Daft Punk to Backstreet Boys to Cher — COSMIC is the perfect show for all ages!

COSMIC: About Us
COSMIC: Video Player
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